VCM Editor's menu bar includes the following menus:
Use this menu to open, close, and save tune files you wish to edit.
| ■ | Calibration Details. Opens the Tune Details window, which contains key information about the vehicle being tuned and its controllers. See Viewing Tune Details. |
| ■ | Remote Tuning. Opens the Remote Tuning window, which can be used to limit what remote customers can do with tune files you provide them. See Remote Tuning. |
| ■ | View / Change History Logs. Opens the Tune History window, which can be used to view all changes to the current tune file and to compare the current version of the file to any previously saved version. See Viewing Tune History. |
| ■ | Virtual Volumetric Efficiency. Certain GM vehicles pack data into a form that is difficult to modify in any meaningful way. If you are tuning such a vehicle, you can use this function to unpack the data and edit it in a format similar to a conventional VE table. See Virtual Volumetric Efficiency. |
| ■ | Virtual Torque. When tuning GM vehicles with Gen 5 controllers, this option opens the Virtual Torque window, which is used to configure torque management. See Virtual Torque. |
| ■ | Gear/Tire Wizard. This item appears if the Gear/Tire Wizard can be used with the vehicle being tuned. On supported vehicles, the wizard calibrates the speedometer and scales the transmission tables to adjust for a new gear ratio or tire size. See The Gear/Tire Wizard. |
| ■ | Change VIN Wizard. This item appears if VCM Editor supports changing the VIN of the vehicle being tuned. See Changing a Vehicle's VIN. |
| ■ | ETC Effective Area Calculator. When tuning Ford vehicles, this option opens the ETC Effective Area Calculator, which can be used to update the throttle body model used by the engine controller. See ETC Effective Area Calculator. |
| ■ | Torque Inverse Calculator. When tuning Ford vehicles, this option opens the Torque Inverse Calculator, which can be used when configuring the torque model on Ford vehicles. See Torque Inverse Calculator. |
| ■ | VE Neural Network Trainer. This item appears if the vehicle being tuned employs neural network technology and the Tuner Tools portal supports training its neural network. See Neural Network Training. |
| ■ | User Defined Parameters. If you have information on parameters (switches, scalars, and/or tables) that we do not have defined currently in VCM Editor, this feature makes it possible to add them yourself and edit them in VCM Editor immediately. See User Defined Parameters. |
| ■ | Template Applicator. Opens the Template Applicator window, which applies templates created in Template Editor. See Templates for instructions on using the templates feature. |
| ■ | Navigator. Opens the Parameter Navigator window, which lists parameters in a tree structure. See Parameter Navigator. |
| ■ | View. If you want to display only the parameters that are appropriate for less experienced tuners, select View Basic. To use the default (all parameters) display, select View Advanced. |
The options in this menu can be used to compare the parameter values in the open tune file to the corresponding values (if any) in another tune file. See Comparing Two Tune Files.
If you are comparing two files with matching operating system IDs, you can also copy segments from the compare file to the tune file being edited. See Segment Swaps for more information.
| ■ | Read Vehicle. If there is a vehicle connected to your computer, select this option to read the vehicle's current tune. See Reading a Vehicle. |
| ■ | Write Vehicle. If there is a vehicle connected to your computer and you have a tune file appropriate for that vehicle open, select this option to write the tune in the open file to the vehicle's controllers. See Writing Tunes Back to the Vehicle. |
| ■ | Unit Conversion. Opens the Unit Conversion window, which can quickly perform many common unit conversions. See Unit Conversion Window. |
| ■ | Calculator. Opens a window containing a simple calculator. |
| ■ | Options. Opens the Options window, which contains user preference settings for the VCM Editor application. |
| ■ | Template Editor. Opens the Template Editor window, which is used to create and edit templates for parameters you need to modify in multiple tune files. See Templates for instructions on using the templates feature. |
When you have multiple daughter windows open in VCM Editor's workspace, the options in this menu can be used to quickly position the open windows for easier viewing.
| ■ | Help. Opens this help system. |
| ■ | License Information. Opens the License Information window, which lists the vehicles and controllers that are licensed on the most recently connected interface device. It also shows you how many credits you have spent for those licenses and upgrade credits available (if any). See The License Information Window for more information. |
| ■ | Resync Interface. Selecting this item when your interface device is connected to the computer will update the device to ensure that credits and licenses purchased since the last resync are properly stored on the device and will be available when you need them. |
NOTE: This function is also an important step in preparing a new interface for first time use. See Preparing a New Interface Device for Use.
| ■ | VCM Suite Information. Opens the VCM Suite Info window. When your interface device is connected to the computer, this window can be used to generate a log file that contains troubleshooting information. See How to Generate a VCM Suite Infolog. |
| ■ | MPVI Application Keys. Registration of older (MPVI) interface devices required entering an application key that was received by email. Selecting this menu option opens the window that allows application keys to be entered. |
NOTE: Newer devices (MPVI2/2+/3) do not use application keys. They use verification codes for online registration.
| ■ | MPVI2 Verification Code. When a new MPVI3 is connected to the computer, this option will produce a verification code that is used for device registration. See Registering Your Interface Device. |
| ■ | About. Displays a window that shows what version of the VCM Suite you are using. If there is an update to the software available, the window will have a Download button that you can use to retrieve the new version. |