First check the following:
1. |
The MPVI2 will need to have first been activated by: |
a. |
Connecting it to your computer via its USB cable. |
b. |
Syncing it via VCM Editor or VCM Scanners. (Select Help > Resync Interface). |
c. |
This may apply a firmware update. Resync it once again if any firmware update is applied. |

2. |
The MPVI2 should be plugged into the vehicle and its engine should be running. It may work if the ignition is on, without the engine running, but please note that some vehicles will power down after a couple of minutes without the engine running. |
3. |
Open TrackAddict to its main Setup screen (wrench/gear icon on left of navigation bar), then tap on the 'i' gear icon on the left side to go to the Options screen. The "OBD" selection should be set to "Bluetooth" and the button below it should say "OBD Device: HP Tuners MPVI2". If it doesn't, tap on "Setup HP Tuners MPVI2" and follow those steps for the pairing and setup process. |
4. |
Your MPVI2's Bluetooth name should be "HP Tuners MPVI2". If it is showing up as "WT12A" or similar, it won't be recognized for TrackAddict and it will need a firmware update. |
5. |
You should be using the Android version of TrackAddict. Unfortunately, iOS is not currently supported due to Bluetooth restrictions on that platform, but we are working on options to support iOS in the future. |
Once you have the MPVI2 paired to your device and TrackAddict is set to use it, you should see an OBD status bar at the bottom of the main Setup screen and some others. This will initially be flashing red but will become yellow upon attempting an MPVI2 and vehicle connection.
Getting More Information About Connection Failures
The yellow status is where most connection failures tend to occur, and there are several options to get more information about a connection issue:
■ |
Tapping on the OBD status bar will show its current status (unless you are currently recording), and may include troubleshooting tips, depending on the situation. |
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Going to the "Data Channels & Codes" screen will show its live status as it attempts to connect. If it fails, you should typically first see it say "Connecting to Interface" or "Connecting to Vehicle" before it fails and returns to a red-colored status. Knowing which one of these statuses it failed on can shed some light on what's going wrong. |
■ |
If it fails to connect to the interface, then it's likely a communications or device error. |
■ |
If it fails when connecting to the vehicle, then that could happen if there's an issue communicating with this specific vehicle or OBD protocol, if the ignition/engine is turned off, if the OBD port isn't working, or if the MPVI2 isn't activated and needs to be synced with VCM Editor or Scanner. |
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Immediately after it attempts to connect and then fails (ie got to yellow status, but then returned to red), you can obtain some diagnostic info from the last connection or attempt by tapping on the 'i' gear icon to open the Options screen, then tap the same 'i' gear icon under the OBD section, and select "Show Connection Info". One or two dialog boxes will pop up, and if you can send us screenshots of those, they could provide some clues as to what's happening. |