Changing VIN

For certain vehicles, VCM Editor supports changing the VIN. However, the new VIN must be valid for the operating system that VCM Editor finds on the VCM you are programming.

This method changes the VIN without having to write a new tune file to the vehicle. Using the Change VIN Wizard will not change the VIN of the file you currently have open.

NOTE: For some vehicles, you will be required to purchase an additional license for the new VIN.


To make VIN changes permanent please use the following steps:

1.Connect the laptop running VCM Editor to the vehicle whose VIN you wish to change. See Connecting to a Vehicle for instructions.
2.If you do not already have a tune file read from this vehicle, perform a read now. See Reading a Vehicle.
3.With this vehicle's tune file open in VCM Editor, select Edit > Change VIN Wizard in the menu bar. The Change VIN Wizard appears.

4.Enter the new VIN and click Commit.
5.Wait 15 seconds after VIN changes have completed.
6.Turn Ignition off for 30 seconds.
7.Turn Ignition on for 30 seconds.
8.Turn Ignition off for 30 seconds.
9.Turn Ignition on for 30 seconds.

The new VIN is now stored.

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