Remote Tuning - Additional Info
If you have entered master and slave interface IDs on the Master/Slave tab, the settings on the Slave Restrictions tab can be used to further restrict what slave interfaces can do.
Entering any of the values on this tab restricts what vehicles slave interfaces can write this tune to. The target vehicle must have matching entries for every value entered. The fields include:
■ | VIN |
■ | Controller Serial # |
■ | Controller Operating System ID |
If you have entered master and slave interface IDs on the Master/Slave tab, the settings on the Flashing tab specify what type of write slave interfaces will be allowed to perform.
These fields specify which write methods slave devices will be allowed to perform. By default, both methods are permitted (both boxes are checked). To remove permission to use a particular method, remove the corresponding check mark.
These two fields allow you to force slave devices to use a particular write method for the next write. Follow these steps each time you want to use this feature:
1. | Using the Next Write Force Method dropdown, select the write method to be used. |
2. | Click the Generate New button to generate a new unique ID for this event. This ID is used to identify and record the next write instance. |
A new unique id is required each time you wish to force a particular write method.
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